Friday, June 5, 2009


I first heard of this term "MOC" while I was working with GE. I was almost angry and flabbergasted at the amount of time and energy GE spent in MOC for almost anything... no matter how small the issue was, the "project team" or the leads would most often than not, will have MOC on their radar. Mangement of change has never seemed this important for me as I feel right now.

And hows it connected with KM? Well, I have realised that implemetation of a KM model is nothing but changing cultures. Creating communities of practice is nothing changing the way we collaborate. Implementation of a new tool/ application is nothing but changing the way we work daily. Bringing in a new manager to lead a team is having to change the way we used to work.

In all of this one thing is common ...Obviously having to adopt to change. All my reading and networking with the gurus of KM have not helped in bringing this aspect of MOC into a sucessful implementation of a KM model.

We are in the second phase of implementing a KMMM in my organisation and one of the most important ingrediant for its sucess is manging this change.

The second aspect is also the sheer number of people this is impacting and therfore how do we manage that. The one way it has been done is through strong change agents. Through people who passionately belive in the cause.

I am the self proclaimed "the biggest chnge agent of KM"

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